Problem Card 11: Floodplain Management

You have no doubt seen footage of what can result when flash floods hit our towns and cities. Strong rains and blocked drains can happen anywhere, but towns built in low areas, near seas or near waterways may be more prone to flooding - and the damage from floods in these places can become catastrophic.

Watch the video to meet Tatjana Linke, a Waterways Engineer with the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (CMA), then begin this problem card to start exploring ways you can help.


What is Floodplain Management and why do we need it?

Watch the two videos on the left to hear Tatjana’s explanation.


What can we do in our day-to-day lives to rectify the risks of flooding?

Mission Briefing

Now that you’ve heard your problems, it’s time to choose which task you’d like to tackle with your team!

You might like to use some of the questions in the the list below as inspiration for thinking about your problem. When you’re read to get started, press “Go” to start your design modules:

  • What sort of impacts will climate change and flooding have on our society and how can these impacts be minimised?

  • Is there a way to balance the good and bad aspects of flooding?

  • How can we educate people about what happens when we develop floodplains?

  • How can engineers and councils design with natural disasters, such as flooding, in mind?

  • If we didn’t do anything, what would change?