GALS Workshops

Geelong 2024

Poster template: Sample powerpoint template for A0 poster, portrait

Workshop 1. Teacher industry workshop

Powerpoint (PDF)

Mentimeter outcomes (PDF)

Video of GALS Workshop 1 (Running time: 1:20:51) 
Passcode: V^Sh2rZj


  • Tell us about what you/your school does now that is working well. How do you know? Why is it working?

  • What else do we need to know about to form our understanding of how to engage students in contemporary problems in the classroom?


  • What, in your opinion, is currently contributing to the problem (current limitations, issues, assumptions)?

  • What is our problem? Do we need to redefine our problem more clearly?


Workshop 2. Girls first workshop (from 2023)

Powerpoint: Workshop 2: Design and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Thinking powerpoint: Workshop 2 entrepreneurial thinking

Workshop 3: Girls second workshop

Powerpoint: Workshop 3: Teamwork and Leadership

Handout for printing (1 per girl): Leadership actions and styles

Equipment: Packet of marshmallows, packet of spaghetti, role of stick tape, ball of string, scissors, paper and pencils, girls’ planning documents, girls’ own devices

Links to videos about Women in STEM:

To support your poster preparation:

Sample powerpoint template for A0 poster, portrait